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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Operationalising Brand Addiction: A Proposed Conceptual Framework

Published: May 27, 2020


Rituparna Basu, International Management institute, Kolkata; Neena Sondhi, International Management Institute- New Delhi


Brand Addiction; Consumer-Brand Relationship; Conceptual Model


Brand addiction as a key construct of consumer-brand relationship is gaining ground owing to its significant effect on a firm’s marketing success. Despite acceptance of the long-term effects of brand addiction, the conceptualization and understanding of the construct needs better articulation. Delimiting pure brand addiction from a nested product-brand addiction model, the present paper attempts to systematize the definition and framework of brand addiction in case of the former with an objective assessment of literature. The conceptual model identifies brand addiction as the higher order construct of consumer brand relationship as opposed to other constructs like brand liking, brand attachment, brand love, brand passion and brand loyalty. Operationally the model contributes by highlighting the concepts of addictive consumption and brand dependence as a consequence of brand addiction that could lead to absolute brand loyalty and ensure sustainable long-term brand performance.